
Kindergarten students doing projectKindergarten is a year of incredible growth and development, both socially and academically. We work to maintain a balance of work and play, of individual and group activities. Students engage in activities that promote social and developmental growth. In the context of the classroom community, students learn more about their place in this world and their relationship to God and others. 

Students enjoy field trips, special celebrations and themed days, and weekly activities with their Reading Buddies. 

Kindergarten Schedule

The class meets Monday through Thursday, from 8:15am to 3:15pm with optional Enrichment Days on Fridays.

Kindergarten Curriculum


Students learn stories from both Old and New Testaments. Stories include Creation to Noah, the Patriarchs, the Israelites, the Kings of Israel, the Prophets, Christmas and Jesus’ birth, Christ’s death and resurrection, Christ’s Ascension and Pentecost.


Beginning in Kindergarten, students use Math In Focus (Singapore Math). Through hands-on learning, visualization and pictorial representation, students learn about number sense, order, shapes, patterns, length and size, weight, capacity, comparisons, number bonds, addition and subtraction, time and money.


Students enjoy books and literature as they develop their literacy skills and enthusiasm for reading that can ensure their success as beginning readers. We use Readers and Writers Workshop units of study for our language arts curriculum.


Beginning second trimester, students have tech. ed. class in the IDEA Lab.  Students are introduced to basic computer skills, begin typing instruction, and encouraged to play constructively.

Science and Social Studies

Guided by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), we select FOSS materials for our science investigations as a way to incorporate hands-on learning for students. We use TCI "Me and "My World" curriculum resources for Social Studies, focusing on family, friends, teachers and neighbors.

Art and Music

We have art in the art room once per week, and incorporate art into the regular schedule, as well. Our art projects correlate with other subjects. Activities involve a variety of materials and include cutting, pasting, drawing, and painting. Music is incorporated into every day activities, and includes singing rhythms, listening, mystical games and activities. The class also visits the music room for music class twice per week.

Physical Education

Children explore movement possibilities, refine skills with games and learn fitness movements.


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