Meet Our Faculty & Staff
Our teachers and staff provide Christian examples for your children every day. Our teachers are dedicated to helping your child do their best in the classroom and to partnering with you to shape their faith and character while your child is at BCS.
Mrs. Renee Adams
Mrs Raegan Hutton

Mrs. Beth Loretto
First Grade
Ms. Tricia Snoeyink
First Grade
Ms. Kelli Durant
Second Grade
Mrs. Hannah Wrucke
Second Grade
Mr. Tim Ringenoldus
Third Grade
Ms. Sarah De Smith
Third Grade
Ms. Michelle Birk
Fourth Grade

Mrs. Cassie Martin
Fourth Grade
Mr. Mike Vander Vliet
Fifth Grade

Miss Erin Donnelly
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Lynn Veldhouse
Middle School Math & Science
Mrs. Heidi TeWinkel
Middle School Math
Mrs. Marci Bigler
Middle School English & Language Arts
Mrs. Lauren Woodhouse
Middle School Bible & History

Middle School Instructionalist

Mrs. Alicia Poelzer
Middle School Instructionalist
Mrs. Tammy Bremer
Technology Education
Mrs. Cara Hirschmann
Art Education
Ms. Silvia Guerra
K-8 Spanish
Mrs. Sarah Culhane
Middle School Music
Mrs. Sharon Fikkert
Elementary Music
Mrs. Jane Foerster
Music & Band Instruction

Mr. Nick Scaffidi
Band Instructor

Mr. Maurice Wright
Physical Education

Ms. Stephanie Huston
Elementary Aide

Mrs. Shelly Heinkel
Elementary Aide

Mrs. Teresa Sawall
Elementary Aide
Ms. Kylie Wyman
Elementary Instructionalist

Mrs. lin Kho
Early Childhood Aide

Early Childhood Aide

Mrs. Tana Mews
Early Childhood Aide

Mrs. Jen Wollner
Early Childhood Aide
Mrs. Brittney Katauskas
Marketing Coordinator

Mrs. Dawn Mallof
Enrollment Coordinator

Ms. Jessica Mathison
Learning Support Coordinator

Mrs. Jenn Ritzema
Learning Support Coordinator

Mrs. Karaline Huenink
Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Mrs. Heather Cebulski
Library Coordinator
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