Student Support

Educational Support Services at BCS are rooted in the belief that every student is a unique child of God with different strengths and challenges. Alongside parents, classroom teachers and the BCS community, the ESS staff is focused on helping each student strive to reach his/her full potential through a variety of educational services and intervention strategies. 


In recent years, BCS has begun the process of welcoming and educating students with a wider range of educational differences.  While we are a smaller school and can not provide all services, we hope to continue growing in becoming a school that more reflects the educational diversity in the Kingdom of God.  Including a wider range of students has caused BCS to refine teaching and classroom practices in a way that benefits everyone.  We are a school that encourages and supports a sense of belonging by creating classroom cultures that embrace the uniqueness of each student so that students believe and lean into their ability to progress to their fullest potential. 


The Educational Support Services team coordinates with classroom teachers to meet student needs of diverse learners. Interventions may include small group instruction with the classroom teacher, in class support with a member of the learning support staff or be conducted outside of the classroom with learning support staff. 

Admissions Process

If you have a child with varied abilities and desire Christian education for your family, we would love to talk with you.  The Education Support Services team is involved in the admissions process for students with identified needs and takes into consideration the level of support we can provide as well as the current needs of the class the student will be enrolled in.  


Students enrolled at BCS who qualify for speech articulation services can receive those services through the Elmbrook School District.   BCS does not provide other speech services at this time. 

Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy 

We currently do not provide OT and PT at school. If your child is participating in these services, please let teachers know so we can work to incorporate therapy goals in the classroom as much as possible. 


BCS desires to help students realize their God-given gifts and abilities and to encourage students to see and live out God’s call in their lives academically, socially, and spiritually. The BCS Counseling Program utilizes a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for enhancing the implementation to achieve important outcomes for every student allowing students to be supported in the classroom, through groups and individually for short-term counseling needs. 

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
BCS aspires to cultivate a community that demonstrates a biblical understanding and expression of caring for oneself and others through: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships skills & responsible decision making, in order to learn, lead and serve faithfully in God’s world.

Second Step® lessons will provide explicit SEL instruction in the classroom, and extension activities and family communications will be used to reinforce the concepts and skills in the context of everyday life.

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