The BCS Website is the go-to place for Families!

The new Family Hub is located right next to the FACTS Family Portal login so that families can find everything they need more efficiently. The Family Hub contains general information, helpful links, and how-to guides. The FACTS Family Portal allows you to conduct your family's school business (tuition/financials, lunch ordering, and more).


1. If you currently have the BCS app or any version of the RenWeb app, delete this from your phone.

2. It is highly recommended that you save the BCS website to your phone and computer so it is easily available. The shortcut looks just like the BCS app, so it's best to delete app first.

3. Once you log into the FACTS Family Portal, you'll be able to find everything you could access on the BCS app.

Logging into the FACTS Family Portal

Use District Code: BF-WI
Enter your personal Username and Password.
BCS does not have access to existing passwords. If you have questions or if you cannot remember your password, please contact Sara Pakula or the school office.

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