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You're Invited! 2025 Annual BCS Auction & Fellowship Dinner

You're Invited!  2025 Annual BCS Auction & Fellowship Dinner

Brookfield Christian School Annual Fellowship Dinner and Auction

Friday, April 4th at 6:00pm - Brookfield Conference Center

Join us for a night out in our very own city of Brookfield for our Annual Fellowship Dinner and Auction! We will be gathering at the Brookfield Conference Center for an evening to support BCS and enjoy fellowship with our community. We can’t wait to celebrate our school praising God for his faithfulness and have more fun! 

Each year, Brookfield Christian School hosts a Fellowship Dinner and Auction for the benefit of meeting our missional goals of Christ-centered education: preparing students to learn, to lead, and to serve faithfully in God’s world. Our goal is to provide ample funding to our school’s general fund. The Fellowship Dinner and Auction is a time that current BCS parents, school staff, relatives, alumni, and friends gather in support of our school and of our mission. This event is possible through sponsorship opportunities, event ticket sales, and an assortment of live and silent auction packages from renowned companies, generous donations and destinations.

Invitations will be hitting mailboxes and inboxes soon. For all of the latest details, visit the BCS Auction Website. For all of the latest, visit the BCS Auction Website.

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