Photo of Mrs. Marci Bigler

Mrs. Marci Bigler

Seventh Grade Homeroom, Middle School Language Arts

  • Hometown: Jacksonville, FL and Louisville, KY
  • Joined the BCS staff in 2017
  • BA – English-British & American Literature, Montreat College
  • Masters – British & American Literature, Marquette University

Mrs. Bigler is married and has three children.  The Bigler family attends Elmbrook Church. In her free time, Mrs. Bigler enjoys sports, cooking, baking, reading, writing and music.

Mrs. Bigler shares that Isaiah 40 is her favorite passage of Scripture. She says, “During a difficult time several years ago, a friend shared verse 11 with me: ‘He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.’ I held on to the comfort of those words for a few weeks before finally reading the rest of the chapter that surrounds it to understand its context and why the comfort of those words is even more remarkable. All the rhetorical questions that follow verse 11 paint a picture of the inexhaustible power and true greatness of God and the hope He offers us. This passage follows several chapters where rebuke for sin was the central focus; it’s as if we are being reminded that even in our great sin and rebellion, God’s greatness and power are not diminished. His power to forgive and restore never tires, it never depletes, it never ends. And, while much of this chapter focuses on His great power, verse 11 shows us that there is also great love, gentleness, and care. Gentleness and power coexist in our Creator.”

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