Back to School Plan

The following information was initially published on August 11, 2021.  Updates will be made as needed. 

Message from the Brookfield Christian School Board

We are pleased to announce in-person instruction for the 2021-22 school year, and we look forward to partnering with you in the education of your child(ren). Although we live in a time of uncertainty and ongoing change, we serve a God who is steadfast, constant, and faithful. It is a blessing that we share that common faith foundation throughout our school community.

Two years ago, in the middle of the school year, we had to close our doors and finish the year virtually. Last year, we made a commitment to be in person and had a successful school year. As we enter yet another year where Covid continues to be a factor, we desire to continue down the path of resuming normal school operations.

We understand that there are various recommendations for how to open schools. We also recognize that there are limitations in how these recommendations can be implemented to fidelity in the school setting. As we begin the school year, BCS will not implement masking, social distancing, mandatory vaccination, or testing under the present conditions. There are diverse opinions in our community, and the BCS Board will allow parents to make their own decisions relating to the wearing of masks and determine if it is in the best interest of your child and family to have your child vaccinated. Whatever decision you make will be respected within our school setting.

Our efforts as a school will focus on screening, quarantine protocols, and communication with families. We ask families to keep students home when sick and/or symptomatic and to inform the office. In the event a student or teacher tests positive for COVID-19, quarantine policies will be applied. We will communicate to families if their student has a potential school-based exposure to Covid. In addition, BCS will maintain high standards related to teaching students proper hygiene and ensuring a clean facility.

The Board and school leadership will keep in touch with medical professionals both inside and outside the BCS community and will continuously assess the impact and effectiveness of the present policies as the year proceeds. We appreciate your support once again as we open our doors for another successful year of learning, leading, and serving.

Screening at Home:

  1. Monitor for illness. If sick, stay home and report symptoms to the school.
  2. Test and/or quarantine.
    • If you choose to get tested:
      • Return to school with a negative Covid test result when symptom-free for 24 hours.
      • With a positive Covid test, return 10 days after symptoms first appeared and fever-free for 24 hours without medication (return on Day 11
    • If you choose to quarantine in lieu of testing, the student may return 10 days after symptoms appeared (return on Day 11).

Covid Exposure:

  • If exposed to a person who tests positive for Covid at school, the school will inform those affected of the possible exposure via email.
  • Quarantining and/or testing will not be required for those exposed at school or outside the school setting who are not symptomatic. Please note that for those who have a home-based exposure, this exemption from quarantine is only in effect if the Covid-positive family member is able to isolate away from the other family members. If the Covid-positive individual is not able to isolate, students from the affected family will need to quarantine for the duration of the Covid-positive individual’s isolation period. After that, they will need to do one of the following:
    • Quarantine an additional 10 days without testing (return on Day 11) or
    • Quarantine an additional 7 days (return on Day 8) with a negative test result collected on or after Day 5.
  • If an exposed individual becomes symptomatic, they will need to test and/or quarantine. They may return to school based on the timeline listed in the “Screening at Home” section.

School Day:

We plan to resume regular school routines:

  • Middle school students will use lockers and travel to their various classrooms.
  • Elementary students will travel to the classrooms where specials are typically held.
  • The library will be open.
  • Students will eat in the cafeteria.
  • Before and After Care will be available as always. However, we will still ask families to sign up for After Care so we can staff accordingly based on demand. The sign-up will be sent out via the newsletter each week.
  • We will continue to sanitize surfaces on a frequent basis and encourage healthy hygiene habits.


For those who reside within the Elmbrook School District boundaries and utilize the district busing option available, please note that masks are required when riding the bus. This is a federal mandate that covers mass transportation that GoRiteway must comply with. Your child will be responsible to bring a mask to wear on the bus as the school will not be providing masks. If you do not wish to have your child mask when riding the bus, please make alternate travel arrangements. Students who refuse to wear masks on the bus may lose the privilege of riding the bus.


We recognize the diverse perspectives represented by our families and fully acknowledge that no single plan will satisfy everyone’s expectations. Our desire, though, is that we make an effort as a school community to understand that this moment in time provides an opportunity for us to unite and work together for the benefit of one another. The strength of BCS lies in our faith and strong sense of community. This is yet another chance for us to live out our faith and hold tightly to our communal bonds.


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